Die Natur kennt keine Normen und wir auch nicht! Unterstütze mit uns die lokale Landwirtschaft und geniesse wöchentlich frisches Biogemüse. Fair abgenommenes, verformtes & überschüssiges Gemüse – perfekt für dich!
Saved organic vegetables fresh from the field to your kitchen
100% organic

Let's save vegetables together!
How much is there this week?
Werde auch du Gemüse-Retter! Bestelle deine Biogemüse Rettungsbox bis Dienstag Abend und erhalte sie am Freitag zur Selbstabholung oder Lieferung:
Diese Woche mit Süsskartoffeln, Federkohl, Kartoffeln, Lauch, Sauerkraut, Rüebli.
Rescue box subscription
Receive a vegetable box in the size of your choice every week, every 2 weeks or every 4 weeks and benefit from better prices:
- Organic vegetables from your region - misshapen, surplus and unique
- At least 5 seasonal vegetables per delivery
- Simply pause or cancel
Two ways to support local agriculture
of the week
(individual order)
2 Tuesday midnight
Order deadline
Change starts with us!
At Good Market, we focus on transparency and want to show you what a fair and honest alternative sales market for local agriculture can look like. We give you an insight into pricing, the origin of our products and much more. It is also important to us that we raise awareness of the issue of food waste and educate people. Together, we can enjoy high-quality food that is in harmony with local nature and encourage a more conscious lifestyle. Join us and save with us!